Monday, November 30, 2009
A Sad Day
I can't even imagine the horror these officers had felt in their last moments and my heart goes out to the families. One thing I just don't seem to understand is what could have been so terribly wrong in this persons life to commit such a crime.
With everything going on in this world I understand the stresses of every day life, but that could not and should not ever be a reason to take someone's life.
Now, I hope that these officers families are taken care of in their time of need and the officers are safely laid to rest, but I also hope and prey that this person is found quickly and brought to justice.
This is definitely someone you don't want walking our streets. Please pray for these families.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Families are suffering in record numbers
How is it that there are so many resources available yet no one knows about any of them? If you ask the average person on the street about food pantrys of shelters honestly you usually get "i'm not sure" or " I don't know" and that really bothers me. We were all told when we were young that if you ever really needed help go to your local police station, but when mothers are walking the street with thier kids even the police tell them the classic "i don't know" or hand them numbers to call not sure if they have a phone. I see this every day and i wish i could do more, but one person can't solve the problem. I understand that the economy is in the toilet, but someone has to do something. There are people out there that have wallets full of cash that would rather buy a new purse than help a starving child, what does that really say about our society?
There are millions of people living in shelters, hotels, motels, cars and no one can help them? I find that very hard to swallow. If everyone in this country gave a dollar i think that would be more than enough to supply some sort of funding to help.
If there are people that give to these lovely commercials with the "starving" kids overseas then i think there are enough people that can help the starving kids here in our country.
Land of the free? Seriously?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Hmmm, part 2, Homeless America
I couldn't believe that after working long hours day in and day out she was left to live off of less than 200 dollars a week in unemployment benefits. That just doesnt seem to make any sense to me. How can anyone live off of so little and expect NOT to end up on the street? So she explained to me that she was able to find a bed in a shelter for a short time only to be treated worse than she ever has by the staff that run this so-called safe haven. At this time i'm trying to locate her, apparently she was "suspended from services" because she couldn't pay to stay. Now, what i dont understand is that there are others struggling to survive and watching every penney, yet these "homeless shelters" are charging them to have a place to sleep. I thought that this was a country that took care of our own, but unfortunately i was terribly mistaken. So, im still trying to wrap myself around all this.
I was told the rules are this:
"clients" have to be out of bed at 6am
"clients" have to be in the downstairs room by 7:30am
If you have doctors orders to remain in bed (even if pregnant) you still have to abide by those rules
There is no breakfast served
Everyday between the hours of 11am and 1pm everyone has to vacate the building reguardless of weather and reguardless of having small children
You are NOT under any circumstance allowed to enter your room until after 6:30pm everyday and then you're allowed to eat (3 to4 day old food) shower and be in bed by 9:30pm
Now i completely understand structure and some people aren't used to routine, but i think it's a bit harsh don't you?
Now another thing that i found unreal was the fact that these citizens also have to worry about what little they have left being stolen from the "trusted staff" that runs this place.
An example is this, one of the "clients" purchased coffee and creamer for the others to share, you know something nice for everyone. Well apparently while everyone was "out for the day" they returned only to find half of everything missing, they also woke up to the rest gone. If someone entered the houses of the staff and took something the police would be called immediately, but because people are in a bad situation it's considered ok?
Now, understand this, there are a lot of good hearted people that are out there that will go out of thier ways to donate clothing, food, personal products, only to now find out that the people that these things are meant for end up in the homes of the "staff members" meant to watch over and help.
I don't understand how someone could smile and seem so "good hearted" in the public eye only to treat others as if they are in prison. I full understand that any type of social service is stressful, but that gives no one the right to treat others like cattle. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and if that is something that's difficult for these "staff members" then maybe they should look into other career choices and let people that actually care step in.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Hmm, our world
We are one of the super power nations of the world, yet millions of our citizens are sleeping on the street. There is all this funding, yet people in charge abuse it and take from those who are already suffering.
After talking with some people that are homeless i've been told that there are openings in shelters and they would rather be on the street. Why do you ask? Well because they are treated better than being in some of these shelters.
Not only do they get treated like children, but in some cases the staff takes from people that already have so little.One such case i was told about was a lady that had very few things and when she left the shelter for the day and returned almost half of her belongings were gone. When she asked the staff about it she was told that she could be kicked out for making a fuss. Now does this make sense to anyone? There are so many other examples that im looking into at this present time, and i'm going to be adding as much in the next few weeks. This is something that people need to know.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Life Has It's Wrenches
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ammo Shortage....
In Connecticut there has been a large amount of break ins..maybe that's the concern, but it has increased the amount of sales......
Andres Gomez shows off his new gun permit.
"I am worried and scared there have been a lot of break-ins in my neighborhood in Watertown," Gomez said. "And that is something that I want to be prepared for."
Even though he just got laid off, a gun is something he says he will buy. And, he is not alone. Across the state, communities like Wallingford and Meriden have seen gun permits go way up. Southington Police say they have already handed out more permits in the first three months of the year than all of last year.
"We have been doing between 40 and 50 a week, week in and week out. It's nuts," said Scott Hoffman of Hoffman Guns. "In an average week, we would see 10 to 12 people."
Hoffman Guns has been in business since 1919 and Scott Hoffman said he has never sold so many guns or ammunition. He believes there's a combination of reasons.
"We have had scares of tougher laws before and bad (economic) times before, but we have never had all these things together at the same time," said Hoffman.
Not only are the numbers of permits up and gun sales up, but ammunition sales are as well. So much so that the 9 mm rounds are almost impossible to find. A gun range would normally be packed but it is empty because there are no rounds to fire.
"I'm out of amo, I don't have any nine millimeter ball amo," said Hoffman. "That's like McDonald's running out of hamburger rolls."
So as Gomez looks to buy a gun, he will have to wait for the bullets, along with many other people in Connecticut. Hoffman said he has $5 million rounds on back order.
"I get phone calls every day; hundreds of phone calls and I tell people the same thing, the whole gun world has gone mad," said Hoffman.
Maybe its a good thing that there is a shortage right now, after all the numbers of people that are flocking in for permits are astounding.
Do you want to become a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Does Viral Ads Unleashed Really Work?
That's the exact same question I asked myself when I first heard about it. It sounded great, it made a lot of promises about how it would send waves of targeted traffic to your website, and increase profits, while lowering advertising cost.
And if you're like me, I was a bit cautious, because I had heard all of this before. And to be completely honest, I didn't believe a word of it. But since I routinely test new products, I decided to give it a try...
And guess what?
It works!
I mean, I was really shocked. After I joined, I just knew that I was going to have to delete my membership because so many other products and services had failed to live up to their hype...
But Viral Ads Unleashed is different.
Here's how:
It uses the power of viral advertising to explode many different traffic-generating sources that sends customers to your website like clock work.
By using this strategy, you'll build a strong, personal, and professional reputation online, while creating plenty of visibility for you and your business...
And it drives a ton of new visitors to your website, resulting in a huge increase in profits!
Well, it did for me.
What I like most about it is that it advertises your sites in many different ways all rolled up in one package.
I've never seen anything like it, so in my book, I give it a thumbs up!
Go watch the video and see for yourself at Viral Ads Unleashed.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Does Florida Protect It's Victims?
There was a beautiful three month old child that was thrown from a moving vehicle yesterday at 3:15am.
Now this is what i'm having a hard time understanding....
Fact: This is a man that has an extensive violent history since the age of 11.
Fact: There have been protective orders filed and then denied by the Florida courts because of incomplete paperwork?
Fact: This person was still walking the streets because the Florida courts pretty much gave him a get out of jail free card for his offenses.
Fact: There was an active warrent for this person and even though the authorities knew exactly where this person was no one went to pick him up on his warrent.
Call me crazy, but this terrible tragedy could have been avoided if someone was doing thier job. So, who do you think will get the blame? The mother of this beautiful litte boy happens to be 17, but should that matter? This young mother missed her court date to put a restraining order in place and people are pointing the finger at her. That in my opinion is wrong.
First or all it's very difficult for ANY woman in a domestic violence situation to get enough courage to seek help and a lot of times the end result is more abuse or death. There are countles numbers of victims that hide what they are going through or are threatened if they try to get out of their situations.
This young mother should be embraced not ridiculed for losing her child. Her community should show her as much support as possible , this is something that she is going to have to deal with for the rest of her life. One could only imagine going through the loss of a child, but to have a child murdered in such a horrible way is unimaginable. My heart truly goes out to her.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Swine Flu...So Much Panic, Now The Facts!
I've heard so much in the media about this "swine flu" aka H1N1, that i wanted to know the TRUTH of what it is and if i should start thinking of the movie "The Stand". I know, that's a little drastic, but i'm sure all of you were going through the same thing if you have been watching the news.
Every day you see the red on the screen to show confirmed cases in each state, you see people walking around with face masks and you wonder if you should run out and get a huge supply for you and your family. People, panic can also be a cause of death. So before locking yourself in your basements let's educate ourselves a little shall we?
(BUSINESS WIRE)--Flu: With so much media attention, it is hard to distinguish the facts from the hype in the current spread of H1N1 flu. Critical readers want reliable information about such viruses and their risks. One such recognized expert is Arnold S. Monto, MD, a leading educator, researcher, and the author of a compact, evidence-based handbook, Contemporary Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management of Influenza®.
Dr. Monto, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Michigan School of Public Health, is an international authority in epidemiology who is currently serving as a primary consultant for the United Nations World Health Organization to assist with the flu pandemic.
Here are five interesting facts adapted from Dr. Monto’s book:
(1) Influenza Outbreaks Aren’t New. Influenza outbreaks have occurred periodically over the last century, with varying degrees of severity. Here’s a brief history:
Name of outbreak
1900 H3 Pandemic not confirmed
1918 H1 Spanish or swine influenza
1957 H2 Asian influenza
1968 H3 Hong Kong influenza
1977 H1 Russian influenza, age limited
2009 H1N1 Type A H1N1 (Swine flu)
(2) All-in-One Vaccine. For a flu vaccine to be effective, it must include inactivated strains of the Type A H1N1 virus now in the news, as well as strains of the other two main viruses circulating in the world, Type A H3N2 and Type B.
(3) Pandemics Don’t Discriminate. When the impact of the 1918 A(H1N1) influenza pandemic was tallied, an estimated 500,000 individuals had died in the United States and 20 million worldwide. More recent studies have doubled that estimate because most of what we now consider the developing world was omitted in the count. Pandemics of influenza do not skip any part of the world.
(4) Pigs Don’t Fly. Unlike birds, pigs don’t fly, so they cannot rapidly carry viruses geographically. But in 1983-1984, before a flu outbreak could be controlled, more than 17 million birds had to be destroyed.
(5) WHO’s Alert. The World Health Organization (WHO) has produced a pandemic plan with these stages of alert:
Interpandemic Period
Phase 1 No new type A influenza subtypes detected in humans.
Phase 2
No new type A subtypes in humans, subtypes in animals pose substantial risk of human disease.
Pandemic Alert Period
Phase 3 Human infectious with new subtype, but no human to human spread.
Phase 4 Small clusters of human-to-human transmission, but spread highly localized.
Phase 5 Large clusters of human-to-human transmission, but geographically limited.
Pandemic Period
Phase 6 Increased and sustained transmission in the general population.
Post-Pandemic Period
Return to the interpandemic period.
For more credible facts and science-based information on influenza, consult Dr. Monto’s handbook, Contemporary Diagnosis, Prevention, and Management of Influenza®, published by Handbooks in Health Care (HHC). The book examines prevention and treatment options and discusses how potentially lethal strains are spread—essential information for clinicians and educators throughout the world.
I hope this helps a little, i'm still going to look for more credible information and i will continue to post my finding until this scare is over.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Alternative Energy Continued........
Wind power is another alternative energy source that could be used without producing by-products that are harmful to nature. Like solar power, harnessing the wind is highly dependent upon weather and location. The average wind velocity of Earth is around 9 m/sec. And the power that could be produced when a wind mill is facing the wind of 10 mi/hr. is around 50 watts.1
Now what is one thing that's pretty much always there? Air...Wind and if it were cleaner then it would flow more freely. Harnessing the power of the air we breathe could not only benefit us as a whole, but would reduce the cost of what the average consumer dishes out every month in utility bills.
How does it work?
The fins of a windmill rotate in a vertical plane which is kept perpendicular to the wind by means of a tail fin. As wind flow crosses the blades of the windmill, it is forced to rotate and can be used to generate electricity. Another type of wind power generator is the two hollow half-drum-type wind collectors. This wind collector rotates in a single vertical axis, making this device independent of the wind direction, which may generate more electricity.
In other words..the more it spins, more energy, more power, less expense.
Solar energy is one the most resourceful sources of energy for the future. One of the reasons for this is that the total energy we recieve each year from the sun is around 35,000 times the total energy used by man. However, about 1/3 of this energy is either absorbed by the outer atmosphere or reflected back into space (a process called albedo)1.
Solar energy is presently being used on a smaller scale in furnaces for homes and to heat up swimming pools. On a larger scale use, solar energy could be used to run cars, power plants, and space ships.
Interesting right? This is something that has been in use for quite some time.The average consumer really had no idea that this is and has been in the works to eventually replace our dependency on foreign energy sources.
Now i'm sure some of you have seen these panels on roofs and you think "AHH what an eye soar", but the people that have these installed are truely the lucky ones. I guarantee if these panels are active their energy cost is very little or non-existent. Right now as you're reading this more and more people are having panels installed...some are even living solely on the power stored from their panels.
It's something to really think about.....
Geothermal energy is an alternative energy source, although it is not resourceful enough to replace more than a minor amount of the future's energy needs. Geothermal energy is obtained from the internal heat of the planet and can be used to generate steam to run a steam turbine. This in turn generates electricity, which is a very useful form of energy.
The radius of the Earth is about 4000 miles, with an internal core temperature of about 4000 degrees celsius at the center. The mantle surrounds the outercore and is only about 45 miles below the surface, depending on location. The temperature at the mantle-surface crust boundary is about 375 degrees, celsius. (This is too deep to get of today)
Something that is still in the works so to speak, but also a good resource.
Even the power of the tides can be harnessed to produce electricity.
Similar to the more conventional hydroelectric dams, the tidal process utilizes the natural motion of the tides to fill reservoirs, which are then slowly discharged through electricity-producing turbines. The former USSR produced 300 MW in its Lumkara plant using this method.
Hydroelectricity comes from the damming of rivers and utilizing the potential energy stored in the water. As the water stored behind a dam is released at high pressure, its kinetic energy is transferred onto turbine blades and used to generate electricity. This system has enormous costs up front, but has relatively low maintenance costs and provides power quite cheaply. In the United States approximately 180,000 MW of hydroelectric power potential is available, and about a third of that is currently being harnessed.
With a world made up of mostly water,who can say it's not a good idea..
Our children are inheriting the Earth, the same as we all do. With each generation it is important you make things better and fix what's broken. Yes, we have a lot of work to do, but if we all work together over time we can return Earth to it's glory.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Make it Past the First Round of the American Idol Auditions
That's not really a lot of time to make yourself shine is it? But some performers manage to do it in ways you'd never guess, and we'd like to share some of those ways with you here. It's really not that difficult to make it past the first round of the auditions and on to the TV part of the show if you know what you're doing and you prepare. You need to know exactly what the show is really about before you get there to audition. There is no other way to explain it, you need to do your homework if you're going to make it past the very first auditions. Doing your homework isn't just practicing your song, it's really knowing what to wear, what to say to the judges, how to package yourself, how to pick your song, etc, etc..., basically how to ensure that you do everything the right way. There's a lot more to these initial auditions than just singing. Understand what the judges look for and also what's going to get you cut. You need to give these auditions your absolute best shot if you want to make it. If you just show up to the auditions, camp out for a good place in line and then sing, that's not giving it your best shot!
The judges see through auditions like that in a few seconds. That's why most auditions don't take long. They want people who want this bad! People who they can tell have put a lot of thought and work into preparing for this chance.
So, to separate yourself, really understand how these first auditions work and how they are much different from the auditions that happen later on in the show.Truth is, talent and star quality are a dime a dozen in the tryout phase of the show. Everyone who has any singing skills at all (and even those that don't) show up and tryout.
Let's explain what we are talking about with a couple of questions;
Do you know how many really good singers there are in America?
How many great young aspiring singers do you think want to get selected for the American Idol show?
Coming up with a specific number is hard but it's safe to say that there's a whole lot of them, and guess what... they ALL want to be on this show! So it's safe to say that there is ALOT of talent at these auditions,But on The Show... in Every Season
You See Singers On TV That Are Not
Necessarily Considered "Good," Right?
You've seen them, they're the ones whose voices aren't that strong or unique but they manage to make it past the judges and on to the TV part of the show..Click Here!
Don't pay for your electricity any longer...Instead, the power company will pay YOU!
The funniest thing that i've ever heard while being and installer was how people used to yell out the window at each other when they were able to find the satellite. But what it all boiled down to, you were able to get a better quality viewing experience at half or more than half the cost of regular tv.
Well, that's what got me thinking about solar and wind power. The average consumer is paying double the cost for utility services than they paid the year before and the prices just keep raising. Even our president has taken it upon himself to use the solar panels that were installed in the White House years ago to reduce costs. So why not the average person?
Most people think that alternative energy just isn't a good idea, but to be honest, with this economy it's perfect! It would lower our costs and we'd be able to live without worrying if a tech was going to show up to shut us off. (i know some have gone through that)
You could eventually be completely independent of those greedy companies in time..
So with that said, i ran into yet another great person on twitter that i thought had a great idea and i wanted to share it with the world. You should check out his site even if you're just curious to know more on the subject....
If you are interested in learning exactly how to generate power and reduce your bill then this is the perfect resource for you!
With the ever increasing costs of living, there is no better time than right now to stop throwing money out the window and start generating our own electricity.Whether you want to simply reduce your power bills or completely eliminate them - Earth4Energy has a solution for you.There are now thousands of happy Earth4Energy members worldwide who are saving money every time the sun rises and every time the wind blows!.... Click Here!
Business Internet Marketing Online Is This For You?
The necessity out of which business Internet marketing online has grown is a complex and fundamental one at the same time. The Internet is a virtual space in constant expansion, and so far there have been no limitations to its development. More activity implies more challenging work conditions lots of...
Business Internet Marketing Online Is This For You? -
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
How Would You Like To UNPLUG Your House From Your Electrical Company?
So what comes to mind when you think about home...BILLS! So why not take it upon ourselves to reduce our costs. There are a ton of companies opening up pushing the solar energy idea (are you surprised?)and i think they have the right idea.
93.9% of the energy that is consumed by US is NOT from renewable sources. That's why finding an alternative is so important in this day and age.The best choices when it comes to home power are solar and wind power. These count for only 0.2% of the energy that is consumed.The fact is that most people don't know about the benefits of generating renewable energy themselves. They also don't know how easy it is to do this.
They just pay $1,000s a year in electricity without having a clue that there is a much better way...
There are many solutions to produce renewable energy.
However, most of the products are not designed to produce the electricity needed for home supply. They cost fortunes and are only usable in the corporate world.
Some companies have developed products for generating home wind power or solar power. The ultimate goal is to eliminate my electric bill for good. Imagine yourself 2 weeks from now... Are you still paying high electricity prices and worrying how much bigger the next bill will be? Are you still concerned about what you are doing to the environment?
You owe it to yourself to at least read more...Click Here!
English As A Second Language?!
Let me explain, recently i went to the local ER to sit with a relative and during my time there i sat back and observed the people around me. Of course there were anywhere from minor to major injury, some were smiling, some weren't. The one thing that really stood out was the fact that there were quite a few patients that spoke no english whatsoever. I wasn't shocked, more so concerned, you see,it lead me to wonder, is there a translater here? That was my biggest concern (outside the fact it was crowded)until one doctor came to the rescue of one of the patients and was able to "explain the pain" to the rest of the staff.
I'm sure you can understand my concern when you look at the bigger picture. How many people are living in our country aren't able to ask for the simplest thing because no one understand what they are saying? There is a huge population of spanish speaking citizens here and some of them don't know a word of english. I'm afraid for them honestly. If you're like me and took spanish in school you forgot most of what you learned because you deemed it unimportant at the time. After all "when are we really going to use it" is what went through our minds at the time. But more and more you tend to come in contact with people that have no idea what you're saying.
I think the best thing to do is pick up a program or anything you can get your hands on to learn as many languages as possible in this day and age. In some cases it might just save your life!
So after searching online for some time i came across a system that makes is so easy to learn another language that i wish i would've found it years ago. Working in customer service it would've saved me so much time, instead of putting the person on hold and transferring them to the "language department". I wanted to share this with you all just in case you ever need it.
This company covers everything that you need to know to become part of the local foreign community... From introducing yourself to getting help in an emergency and a whole lot more in between... people just love it when tourists and travelers speak their native language to them.
Keep in mind this is also a high ranking company as far as google is concerned. What will it really hurt if it makes your life a little easier? Click Here!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Time And Time Again
Friday, April 24, 2009
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Web promotion is all about getting links and traffic to sites. You can build one million quality sites but with no proper web promotion, you will never see money coming in.
Most web promotion tactics have one thing in common - trying to rank high in search engines results. In the old fashion days, I loved to submit my sites to hundreds of link directories. It worked like magic until the search engines changed their algorithms.
Then the next big thing was Blog and Ping. It was one of the most powerful web promotion system. I could easily get my pages indexed in a couple of hours and rank high in search engines.
But once again, the search engines saw this coming and as a result it is now very difficult to rank one's websites on search engines, based on Blog and Ping..Click Here!
The Twitter Traffic Machine
It almost seems to good to be true, but in fact it is true. I have managed to increase my twitter following by 20,000 people since early November, 2008. And, I developed this product which makes money directly from this growth, every day. Not only that, but YOU can duplicate what I have done and make money every day. I will show you exactly what to do, and you will be up and running within hours, not next week or next month, TODAY.
The short video above explains it all, how I grew my Twitter account at rapid speed and then turned right around and made money from it..Click Here!
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14 Day Acne Cure
Casey Gentles and I am a Chemist/Molecular Biologist. I am also a former acne sufferer and know from first hand experience how acne can effect and take over your life.
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Single Fathers...The Forgotten
The thing is this, there are a whole other form of single parents out there that don't get the recognition. I'm talking about single dads.
Now anyone that watches shows like Maury is freaking about about now, but the whole truth is that there are millions of single fathers out there that are going through the same things that i myself have gone through raising kids.
So why haven't we had a parade for the daddys of the world? Well, because of shows like Maury. It kind of makes you laugh when you hear "You are NOT the Father", but how many men have stood up to the responsibility only to be shut down? The numbers are too much to deal with. Now don't get me wrong there are men AND women that have kids that they won't even buy a card for because everything is more important, but there are equal numbers that pace the floors at night worried and wondering how and where their children are.
Believe me, i've been there with the anger towards the other half, but when it came down to it the kids were alot more important and i forced a smile during visitations.
If i had to choose who is the best man to be with in this day and time, it would be a single father that's activly involved with his children, because no shirtless man in a magazine can compare to the appeal of a man with a heart.
No one ever thinks about this breed of man that puts the kids to bed, takes them on outings, reads them a story, makes a bottle, yeah, that is the definition of sexy to me.
So maybe we should pay more attention to Father's Day as much as we do Mother's day. Honestly people, they are working just as hard, loving just as much and sleeping as little as every single mom that's out there.
We all need to show them more support and stop pointing the finger thinking they are all deadbeats because the relationships ended.
They are The "REAL MEN" all single women out there are searching for.
Our Young Black Men
Tonight i was twittering (been doing that a lot lately) and with the help of a family member read something that has been in countless articles all over the media.
The subject is interracial dating and how it has affected our world in whole. After reading some "tweets" my mind started turning.
There was a few key comments from a young black man called "lil69" on twitter that seems to be wise beyond his years. Although his comment of taking care of black women was blunt it's true. There are so many black men in America that seem to get angry at black women that are with men of other races, but the honest truth is that they feel abandoned by black men. When a single black woman is looking for a possible mate, there are key points of attraction, but mostly no one really wants a man that's in and out of jail. Not saying that is the case , but that's the mind set of a lot of these women.
I know that there are good men in every race and it's a shame that black men have been singled out as the bad seeds of society. That is a concept that is far from true. I have wonderful brothers that not only work their buns off but treat women quite well. Each and every day i meet men that seem nice and some that seem , well let's just say i'd rather live on a deserted island rather than cross their path. But it shouldn't have anything to do with their race.
Statistically speaking, yes there are a lot of young black men in our nations jails, but has anyone taken the time to direct them? The answer is no. Most would rather look the other way, cross the street than deal with them.
There are a lot of talented well rounded men out there that are never given a chance.
At the same time we all have to realize also that there are a TON on men in jail that aren't black..they are white, asian, hispanic..etc..etc..But no one seems to point their finger and say OOO that's a terrible race of people.
In some ways it makes me laugh at the ignorance of some people who are taught hate.
I met a young man that had just gotten out of jail once that had so much promise, but because of a mistake in his youth he still struggles to this day to make ends meet, where as i met a white man that was let out of prison that did something a lot worse, was able to find employment and buy a home within 3 yrs after getting his freedom. Is that fair? Absolutely NOT, but that's how our society is.
Now i know a lot of people are going to be angry reading this and i don't mean to come at people the wrong way, but it's something that we all see every day and are not willing to do anything other than complain.
So, even as a black woman i have been programmed to think that black men just arent good enough, and i think it's time to change that. We all need to take responsibility for turning the other way and doing nothing. we all need to take our part and instead of talking down to , talk up to.
More races would think more of ourselves if we stop teaching kids the color of our skin is something to be ashamed of. Granted i haven't met ANY man i want to date at this time, but i'm more open now to my options. I advise everyone else to do the same.
Talk to everyone soon.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Satellite TV...The change over is coming!
I've worked as an installation tech for many years (i know, hard to believe), and i can tell people a thing or two about it.
Our government is changing the way that we are able to watch tv..and honestly that's a good thing. You see the old analog way is just way out of date and as we all know EVERYTHING is going or already is digital.
Now, what does that mean for the average person? Well, it means that if you aren't ready for it..NO TV. People seem to be getting confused about the whole idea or they don't think that it's going to afect them in any way.
LET ME BE FRANK! If you don't prepare for this you'll be looking at a black screen. So, without a converter will have nothing!!!
So, i've been looking around for this and that to help people here's one that i found that is a simple download (most systems will work along with your online svc)
Believe me..i know this sounds like a pitch, but i'm being honest with all of you on HAVE to do something in order to continue viewing and if you're like me and you spend a lot of time online then this is perfect for you.
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As soon as your payment has been processed, you will receive our full service. Just install the software and follow the instructions to start the broadcasts.
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No, absolutely not! Our service can be accessed from any PC in the world.
How many stations are included in the package?
Our software package comes with over 3000 Stations (News, Movies, Sports, Music, Clips, Radio, etc.) from all over the world including local, regional and international broadcasts.
What type of live sports can I view?
You can watch baseball, football, soccer, basketball and many other sports from around the world.
When will I receive my software?
Once you have paid, you will get the software - Instantly! You will be redirected to the download site... Start enjoying the stations within seconds after your payment.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Twitter...Next Generation Of Fun?!?!

I recently was drawn into the world of twitter by my daughter and i must say that im very impressed by what i've experienced so far. Not only is it a great way to talk to the average joe, but also a wonderful way to talk to even the most famous!
Wow, i'm still all excited by the fact that you're " following" the actual person and not just another fan site like on other spots. Although i'm still learning the ropes so to speak it is actually fun.
One just has to be careful about getting almost did...Ha Ha.
I hope to see you all there and i look forward to the meet and greets!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NEW YORK--New York Governor David Paterson announced on Thursday his intention to not only tax porn, but to tax sex as well. The Governor, who is blind, explained that this would help make up for the budget shortfall to enable the state to keep on spending while everybody else suffers.
"Quite frankly, I've never seen a porn flick that I have liked," explained the blind Governor. "What is the point in porn anyways, when, come to think of it, I can't possibly watch it?"The porn tax plan calls for a multi-tiered tax system based upon the type of porn. BBW and Big booty porn will be taxed more heavily than will MILF porn, since this would dovetail with the Governor's plan to curtail obesity with the obesity tax. The Governor said that if he can't get the pleasure from watching porn, then nobody should. He also said that he is going to tax sex as well, since the figure of a woman is "over rated.""We are going to tax people for having sex, too. Different amounts for different sexual acts. Sex is almost meaningless. I've never seen a woman that has turned me on. A woman's figure is totally over rated," said Governor Paterson.The New York Revenue Department will enforce the porn and sex tax by having an agent assigned to everybody's bedroom and every single porn site. Employees with the federal government, particularly the National Science Foundation, are concerned that a porn tax could cause worse budget shortfalls and deficits for the federal government, since they spend a great deal of time visiting porn sites."If New York imposes a porn tax, the National Science Foundation would need several billion more dollars in stimulus," said a NSF employee, speaking on condition of anonymity.The New York Congressional delegation has expressed concern over a sex tax, since they like to have so much sex with so many different people. "Not a single senior government employee or member of Congress is monogamous," according to Centers for Disease Control's report: Trends in Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Members of Congress and Government Officials."If the State of New York taxes porn and sex, this would bankrupt us members of the New York Congressional delegation," said a NY Congressman, speaking on condition of anonymity. "This would make living unaffordable."
Has The Bush Family Lost It?
Although a lot of us will miss the silliness of our last president, we have to really take into consideration that they aren't immune to "family issues" no more than we all are. After all we all are human and even with all their money they are just as crazy as the rest of

After receiving the service revolver from the son of the late Lt. J.G. Alberta Brostrum, the former president was to donate the weapon to the constitutional Center to be put on display along with more than 100 other exhibits on Constitutional history.Former President Bush examined the empty revolver, and began speaking to the audience of the reasons behind World War II pilots carrying sidearms.
"Optimally your revolver was for self-defense, and maybe for shooting food," stated the former president. Mr. Bush at that point appeared to hesitate and stare blankly at the empty revolver for a few seconds and according to some witnesses seemed to become teary-eyed. "Of course the unwritten reason that none of us ever really spoke about was for when things went very wrong... when everything was hopeless... when there was absolutely no way out... no hope for your legacy, or your children..." Bush continued.At that point Mr. Bush calmly began loading the revolver with bullets apparently stashed in his coat pocket. To the stunned silence of those in attendance he cocked the gun and placed the barrel against his left temple. At that point Mr. Bush's own Secret Service detail wrestled him to the ground and secured the weapon.The former president was bundled into his motorcade and apparently rushed to an undisclosed hospital. A report issued to the press stated that he was currently under a suicide watch and would likely be transferred to Walter Reed Hospital later this evening.A spokesman for the White House stated that the current President Bush had been apprised of the situation and at this point was respecting his father's physician's wishes in avoiding contact for now.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dating and The Single Mom
It is very tough to date in today's world, sometimes i just want to run and hide. It's funny how some people look at you like you have three heads when you say you'd rather date
But honestly that's how i feel at times.
I met a man that i thought was wonderful that seemed to be what i was looking for, until i found out about the wife and 6
i "chatted" with someone online and after talking to him for all of 10 mins...he demanded i buy a web I let that go, only to have him send me an IM the following night telling me how i didnt care about him because i couldn't take out 5 mins of my day to get the cam so that he can watch me on the my middle daughter found that funny!
Like I said, not easy at all. You spend half your time wondering how to make it to the door without a scene or you cringe when you turn on your computer with that thought that you can't remember if you left it under invisible or
i have "met " men that i havent even made it to the phone call stage...or, all they want to do is "talk dirty" online or on the phone.
Ive been single for long time periods by choice because of little things like
So, to all the single women that are out there with the thought that all men are'm just letting you know you're not alone. I'm here and I definately feel your pain
Ahh the world of misery
What is going on exactly? People shooting people? I was watching the news the other day and there was a report of a teen shooting 15 people in school and this was in Germany! Our children are lost. If you pay attention to even the mildest cartoon they are so violent. If not violent, then just down right scarey. My nephew loves this show called Fenius and Ferb on Disney....ok i watched it with him and the only thing about the show is that the kids build things, but the older sister in this show spends all her time trying to "bust" her brothers'. Is that teaching kids its ok to "tattle"? I was always taught that tattling was wrong unless someone was about to be hurt.
Remember The Brady's...they taught the whole tattling lesson among other things.
It's almost as if tv has turned into something to dumb kids down.
Granted i like shows like Barney and so forth ( i can't watch them without wanting to pull my hair out), but they actually teach kids something.
I'm sure that i'm not the only parent that sees this. There's no way i can be.
I love this country for the "freedom" , but at the same time, are we really doing what's right with our kids?
I lived in an area that i thought would expose my kids to other cultures once( my children are bi-racial btw) and i'll never do that again. There were people that were angry for being "kept down" but at the same time were loud and obnoxious. While others were getting up to go to work, they were sitting on the porch bitching about the world. And these citizens are raising their kids to carry on that
I don't know, life is already hard, but if we all do our part we can make it better.
If we take the time to stop and see the beauty around us instead of picking up guns then things will be ok. I understand that life is hard, but it's even harder if we all continue on without a little smile.
I became a mother at a young age, and yes times were very hard, but i still tried to carry on with a smile...if not that then a laugh. (comedy is the best medicine)
So think about it, would it really hurt to smile at someone passing by?
Who knows they might smile back at you...maybe even say hello.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Eating Healthy
I'm talking about Eliane's Healthy Choice on Whalley Ave. This is a person that has tapped into an otherwise blinded area when it comes to healthy eating. She shares a route of fast food restaurants by the plenty, but has so far been able to old her ground. Not only is the food there unbelieveable, but i can't wait to go back again.
Her prices are very reasonable and wow, if you prefer vegetarian meals you'll be in heaven....
I just had to tell the world! So, if you happen to be in New Haven, take the time to stop in, take my world, it's well worth it
Searching Records
I saw this and thought it might be helpful...especially in this economy, if you're looking to buy a house or research something to have to do with anything check it out here. It might be helpful.
I tried it to research some important family records and surprisingly i got what i needed.
Search over 1 billion public records on anyone in the US by searching dozens of databases from the privacy of your home or office. Search for arrest records, inmate records, courts records, marriage records, death records, old family history, civil records, census records, phone numbers, address information and much more! Get instant access to the largest Nationwide Database
SHUT UP, by the way Mom can you get me new shoes?
I'm a mother of three , working long hours , tired all the time and single. Some people think that life can't be that bad, but honestly im more stressed than a
I love my daughters' and i wouldn't trade them for anything, but there are times that i wish i could run for the door. But, a mother's work is never done.
When I think i'm going to have free time, it never works out that way. If i'm resting for more than five minutes (to them it's all day) i have to get up because this one needs this and that.
This is just my introduction to the world.....a little way of saying hi.
I'm going to be out here for a bit, telling the story of the life of a single mom.
Sometimes it might make you laugh and sometimes not, but either way it's a way
to let others know that they're NOT alone.
See You All Soon!