Monday, May 11, 2009

Ammo Shortage....

Apparently there is a mass shortage when it comes to bullets. I was informed that most dealers have more orders than it's possible to fill at this time, makes you wonder what is going on. Only a certain amount of ammo is manufactured during each quarter and the demand is so great at this time that the manufacturers just can't keep up. Gun sales are also at an all time high, does someone know something that they're not telling the rest of us?

In Connecticut there has been a large amount of break ins..maybe that's the concern, but it has increased the amount of sales......

Andres Gomez shows off his new gun permit.

"I am worried and scared there have been a lot of break-ins in my neighborhood in Watertown," Gomez said. "And that is something that I want to be prepared for."

Even though he just got laid off, a gun is something he says he will buy. And, he is not alone. Across the state, communities like Wallingford and Meriden have seen gun permits go way up. Southington Police say they have already handed out more permits in the first three months of the year than all of last year.

"We have been doing between 40 and 50 a week, week in and week out. It's nuts," said Scott Hoffman of Hoffman Guns. "In an average week, we would see 10 to 12 people."

Hoffman Guns has been in business since 1919 and Scott Hoffman said he has never sold so many guns or ammunition. He believes there's a combination of reasons.

"We have had scares of tougher laws before and bad (economic) times before, but we have never had all these things together at the same time," said Hoffman.

Not only are the numbers of permits up and gun sales up, but ammunition sales are as well. So much so that the 9 mm rounds are almost impossible to find. A gun range would normally be packed but it is empty because there are no rounds to fire.

"I'm out of amo, I don't have any nine millimeter ball amo," said Hoffman. "That's like McDonald's running out of hamburger rolls."

So as Gomez looks to buy a gun, he will have to wait for the bullets, along with many other people in Connecticut. Hoffman said he has $5 million rounds on back order.

"I get phone calls every day; hundreds of phone calls and I tell people the same thing, the whole gun world has gone mad," said Hoffman.

Maybe its a good thing that there is a shortage right now, after all the numbers of people that are flocking in for permits are astounding.

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